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How to solve the problem of excessive or insufficient stretching during calendering of PVC heat shrink film?

Posted by Admin

Solving the problem of over- or under-stretching during the calendering of pvc heat shrink film usually requires the following methods:

Adjusting roller pressure and speed:
Over-stretching: If the film is over-stretched, you can try to reduce the distance between the rollers of the calender or reduce the pressure to reduce the degree of stretching.
Under-stretching: If the film does not reach the required stretching ratio, you can increase the distance between the rollers or increase the pressure of the rollers to increase the degree of stretching.

Control temperature and heating uniformity:
Ensure uniform heating system and accurate temperature control, which can avoid uneven stretching caused by temperature differences.

Monitor stretch ratio:
Use appropriate sensors and monitoring equipment to monitor the stretch ratio of the film in real time to ensure consistency throughout the calendering process.

Blown PVC Shrink Film

Optimize production parameters:
According to the specific PVC material characteristics and product requirements, optimize the process parameters of the calender, including speed, temperature, pressure and roller arrangement, to ensure that the film stretching meets the expected requirements.

Implement regular maintenance and adjustments:
Regularly check and maintain the various parameters and equipment of the calender, and adjust the position and pressure of the rollers in time to maintain production stability and quality consistency.

Through these methods, the problem of excessive or insufficient stretching during the calendering process of PVC heat shrink film can be effectively solved, ensuring that the final product meets quality requirements and customer expectations.

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